A heartfelt thanks

Franklin Veaux
3 min readMar 28, 2022

Wow. I am…I’m speechless. Only a few days into my GoFundMe, you have donated more than five thousand dollars.

Thank you all so very much.

When I started out this week, I felt pretty hopeless. My former partner had filed a lawsuit, and filed to obtain the trademark for “More Than Two,” and after years of legal disputes I had no more resources to continue. I hate asking for help, but the website was not something I could bear to lose, so I finally reached out for help. I am awed and humbled by your response. Thank you. I can’t express what your support means to me.

You all have been amazing. When I first started writing about polyamory way back in 1997, I wasn’t writing for an audience. I was writing for the earlier me, the person trying to figure all this out without the benefit of a community.

When I started writing online, I wanted to talk about the things we learned (and the things we got wrong), so that other people like me didn’t feel quite as lost and alone as I did. I never expected these experiences to resonate with so many people.

I registered the domain More Than Two in 2006, when I began talking about putting my experiences into a book to be called More Than Two. For a long time, this domain redirected to the polyamory writings I hosted at Xeromag, then in 2011 I made More Than Two into a full-fledged Web site of its own and moved my writings over here.

This site touched so many lives that in December of 2018, the Library of Congress selected the More than Two website for archiving as a “historic collection of Internet materials.” The Library of Congress archivist told me, “We consider your website to be an important part of this collection and the historical record.”

To have another person try to take possession of my trademark and domain name, after so many years of work, is one of the most crushing, disheartening things I’ve ever experienced.

Writing about my experiences helped me to find a community of like-minded people, first online and later in person. Now that community has been there for me once again.

I don’t know what the future holds. My lawyer tells me he is optimistic we may likely prevail, both in the lawsuit and in the trademark dispute. But litigation is costly no matter who wins, and always a bit of a roll of the dice. I’ve been forced to borrow money — a lot of it — just to pay my legal fees (and rent!) up to this point, so your support means more to me than you will ever know. I couldn’t do this without you.

Many people have messaged and emailed to ask me if they can donate privately through PayPal rather than GoFundMe. The answer is yes; my PayPal address is franklin (at) franklinveaux (dot) com. I am setting up a separate bank account to track the GoFundMe and PayPal contributions, and my legal expenses. As this unfolds I plan to post regular updates about what’s happening and where the money goes.

Again, thank you all so much.

